Dominic Nahr – Blind Spots
Dominic Nahr – Blind Spots

The photographs taken by Dominic Nahr (born 1983) are valued greatly by the news desks of the world press. Their full force unfolds in exhibitions. The hard facts of the international trouble spots are just the outer scaffolding from which to immerse oneself in the lifeworld of the people. Nahr communicates states of mind and moods that cannot be captured in either words or statistics. The exhibition «Dominic Nahr – Blind Spots» is devoted to four African states constantly threatened with disintegration, countries that cannot do justice to their populations’ need for security and basic supplies: South Sudan, Somalia, Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Many of these countries’ problems were caused by outside influences which have their roots in the history of colonialism. But even today, as unstable constructs, they are still imperilled by the interests and pursuit of profit of foreign powers, be it because of their raw materials or their political heritage. The public at large have very little interest in the people affected by the conflicts. The media system exhibits a lot of blind spots – perception gaps and defence mechanisms in the face of which photographers are also powerless. Against this backdrop, Dominic Nahr’s photographs raise important issues: What can, what must be shown in a photograph? Should we look at it or look away? How much do we want to see? And can a terrifying image be beautiful?
Exhibition poster Dominic Nahr – Blind Spots, 89.5 x 128 cm.