Schools Art Education
With a diverse range of activities, Fotostiftung Schweiz and Fotomuseum Winterthur are committed to visual education and the communication of topics in photography.
The diverse program for school classes offers a unique opportunity to engage with photographic works, develop their own creative skills, and deepen their understanding of the history and technique of photography.
From practical exploration of analogue photography techniques to the analysis and interpretation of photographic works from exhibitions and collections, there is something for school classes of all levels to discover and learn.
Fotomuseum Winterthur offers a varied educational programme for school classes of all ages. The programme includes workshops and guided tours related to our current exhibitions, workshops in our photo lab and offers in the field of image and media competence. Further information and bookings can be found on the Fotomuseum Winterthur website.
Please note that the detailed information is in German.