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Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Grüzenstrasse 45
8400 Winterthur
+41 52 234 10 30

Lucia Moholy – Exposures

dim, 30. mars 2025, 11:30 heures
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Guided Tours

Lucia Moholy – Exposures

Fotostiftung Schweiz
Guided tour through the Lucia Moholy – Exposures at Fotostiftung Schweiz.

with Sarah Hablützel, in German

The guided tour is free.
Admission to the exhibition: CHF 14.– (reduced CHF 12.–)

Limited number of places. Participants can register for the tour at the ticket desk (at the earliest 30 minutes before the tour starts).

Fotostiftung Schweiz
ven, 4. avril 2025, 14:30 heures
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Workshops, Events

Photo Stories – An Offer for People With Dementia and Their Relatives (Fully booked)

Fotostiftung Schweiz
This workshop is fully booked.

This event encourages people with dementia to creatively engage with photography and storytelling. Instead of relying on memory, the focus is on imagination that knows no right or wrong. Skills – often believed to be lost – are made visible and audible during the museum visit. In addition, this method stimulates communication between participants and relatives. Difficulties in remembering and word finding disorder are considered positive and not a barrier to participation.

The event takes place in German.

Information and registration: vermittlung@fotozentrum.ch or T +41 52 234 10 60

Fotostiftung Schweiz
dim, 6. avril 2025, 10:00 heures
Fotomuseum Winterthur

Camera Obscura – Back to the Origins of Photography, for families (Fully booked)

Fotomuseum Winterthur
This workshop is designed for families, children and teenagers.

In this workshop, participants will explore the phenomenon of the camera obscura. They will experiment with pinhole cameras and expose their own motifs outdoors, which will then be developed in the black-and-white photo lab. The resulting negatives and positives are theirs to take home with them.
The workshop is designed as a family workshop. All persons, children and adults, require their own ticket.

Age: suitable for all age groups (children under the age of ten must be accompanied by an adult), no previous knowledge necessary.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Educator: Sophia Remer 
Location: This workshop takes place at Analog Attack at Lagerplatz 13 in Winterthur.
Costs: CHF 30.– per person
Note: This workshop requires a minimum of eight registered participants and is limited to a maximum of twelve people, based on the space available in the photo lab.
Registration deadline: one week before the event

This workshop takes place in German.

➔ Tickets available here!

Fotomuseum Winterthur
dim, 6. avril 2025, 11:30 heures
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Guided Tours

Lucia Moholy – Exposures

Fotostiftung Schweiz
Guided tour through the Lucia Moholy – Exposures at Fotostiftung Schweiz.

with Pearlie Frisch, in German

The guided tour is free.
Admission to the exhibition: CHF 14.– (reduced CHF 12.–)

Limited number of places. Participants can register for the tour at the ticket desk (at the earliest 30 minutes before the tour starts).

Fotostiftung Schweiz
Archives d’images en ligne

Les archives d’images en ligne de la Fotostiftung Schweiz donnent un aperçu de ses collections et de ses fonds d’archives déjà mis en valeur et présentent des photographes sélectionné.es. Elles présentent une coupe transversale de toute l’histoire de la photographie suisse depuis les débuts de la photographie vers 1840 jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Archives d’images en ligne
Bibliothèque de photographie

La bibliothèque de photographie publique est utilisée par les personnes intéressées, les spécialistes et les collaborateurs.trices des deux institutions Fotostiftung Schweiz et Fotomuseum Winterthur. Elle contient plus de 30 000 publications et une trentaine de revues actuelles, nombre en augmentation constante.

Association de soutien

En tant que membre de l’association de soutien, vous soutenez à la fois la création photographique contemporaine en Suisse et les activités de la Fotostiftung. Devenez membre dès maintenant et bénéficiez de nombreux privilèges qui vous permettront de participer activement à la création photographique suisse.

Devenir membre